Categories: Human BodyLife

10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Quit Coffee

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Caffeine has its health benefits that are very important for your body, but at the same time, there are a lot of downsides that can’t be avoided. Drinking coffee can be healthier than you might think, so this article won’t try to convince you to quit this habit. However, there is such thing as drinking too much coffee, and that’s what you need to work on.

When you stop drinking coffee, you’ll notice a lot of changes in your body as you deprive it of hormones such as adrenaline and dopamine, meant to keep you awake. These two hormones are usually replaced by a flood of adenosine that climbs up to your brain, making you feel very tired and giving you a headache.

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According to Wesley Delbridge, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, if you’re trying to cut back on coffee, take it step by step and start by eliminating half of cup of coffee and replace it with a cup of green tea, or any kind of tea for that matter.

Read on to find the 10 most common things that can happen to your body when you quit coffee!

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