Categories: Life

11 Eye-Opening Facts About Why You Should Wear a Face Mask

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Wearing masks could help the economy

Research by Goldman Sachs, a financial firm, reports that up to 25% more people would wear masks if the United States had a nationwide mask requirement. That, in effect, would dramatically reduce the rate of infection growth, enabling companies to remain open and save 5% of their gross domestic product. Wearing masks will also protect the people who work in those businesses, helping their communities to prosper.


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If we all wore masks, the kids could go back to school

Teachers, parents, and students obviously agree that the remote learning options most of the schools put in place this spring have been fundamentally catastrophic, particularly for disadvantaged students. Education and social skills have fallen by the wayside, as parents are trying to juggle their own work-from-home schedules with those of their children, and teachers are adjusting to new methods of instruction.

“If you can control the spread of the virus in the community, then schools can be opened up in ways that allow kids back in the classroom and allow them to have interactions with their teacher and peers, and go forward in some way,” Pekosz says.

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