Categories: Human Body

3 Common Vitamins Proven to Be Helpful Against COVID-19


According to some researchers studying patients who were admitted to the Canisius Wilhelmina hospital in the Dutch city of Nijmegen, vitamin K supplements can do no harm, the only exception would be for people that are taking anti-clotting medications.

Anyone else is safe to take these vitamins. After all, even if it doesn’t protect us from a COVID-19 infection, it’s still doing its job for your bones, blood vessels, and lungs as well.

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However, the scientists would recommend taking your vitamin K1 and K2 from the fruits and vegetables mentioned above, including spinach, broccoli, and other green vegetables. And don’t forget about blueberries, as they also have a high vitamin K intake, plus they’re very delicious. I call it a win-win situation.

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