Monica M.

5 Strange Steps of Human Evolution

Despite computerization and modern technology, humans are still evolving and they do it even faster than before. Thanks to the…

5 years ago

Here’s What Researchers Found out after They X-rayed a Mummified Cat

Scientists and archaeological experts made a shocking discovery: an X-ray analysis of an Egyptian mummified cat exposes the partial remains…

5 years ago

Top 6 Dangerous Technologies in 2019

Technology has provided improvements in our lives: it combatted many diseases, provided food, offered faster travel and communication. We barely…

5 years ago

10 Interesting Things You Didn’t Know About Sleep

The science of sleep has been discovered in the last two decades, but scientists found a lot of interesting facts…

5 years ago

6 Types of Typical Memory Loss

Many people have an irrational fear of forgetting things. If you are one of them, scientists have good news for…

5 years ago

A Shocking Peek of How Office Workers Could Look in the next Two Decades

Office workers could look very different in 20 years because of the actual work conditions that are very harmful to…

5 years ago

Edward Snowden Investigated If the CIA Has Secret Information About Aliens

Edward Joseph Snowden is a famous American Whistleblower and a former CIA employee. He is the perfect man if you…

5 years ago

Pollution in the Usa Increased under the Trump Administration

US air Pollution increased after declining for ten years under the Trump administration. Researchers are worried about the consequences of…

5 years ago