Categories: EnvironmentLife

Celebrities Who Are Doing Something About Climate Change

Photo by Lumppini from

1. Leonardo DiCaprio

The famous actor from the romantic drama “Titanic”, is also well-known for his many outspoken climate change activities. In 1998, he launched a namesake foundation, in order to bring together experts from several important domains, such as science, philanthropy, and conservation.

According to the organization’s website, the foundation is important for responding to an expanding climate crisis and the astounding loss of biodiversity frightening the stability of life on our planet.

There are many donations that fund projects which help marine life, climate change initiatives, wildlife, indigenous rights, science, technology, and so many others.

2. Prince Harry

In 2015, Prince Harry wanted to give an example of generosity and kindness, and he spent three months during the summer on a trip through a few African countries. He wasn’t there on vacation, he worked with veterinarians and rangers, and he also took part in a mission to de-horn several rhinos in the battle against poaching.

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He spoke about many of the problems regarding the animals’ sanctuaries. The prince said that the number of rhinos that are being poached in South Africa is beyond crazy because it had grown by almost 500 percent in five years. In addition to that, he added the fact that most of these crimes happened in Kruger (National Park).

3. Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg became famous at the age of 14, due to her many initiatives as a climate change activist. In 2019, she spoke at the UN Climate Action Summit, where she expressed her dissatisfaction with how nature is being taken care of, and she challenged the world leaders to do more about it.

In addition to that, Greta Thunberg stated that ecosystems are collapsing, people are dying and suffering, and leaders only talk about money and eternal economic growth.

Since then, she has managed to initiate several climate strikes and she also urged teens and adults to demand that world public figures take action in order to lower carbon emissions.

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