Categories: Human BodyLife

How To Choose The Best Vaccine For Your Booster Shot

Photo by guteksk7 from

Moderna might be more powerful

When it comes to older people that have chosen to get vaccinated with Moderna’s shots, some clinical data said that this vaccine has better results and helped them by keeping them out of the hospital.

A study from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which was published on December 1st, found that from January to May (a period of time before the Delta variant was discovered), the Moderna vaccine was linked to a 21% lower risk of confirmed infection and also a 41% lower risk of hospitalization when compared to the Pfizer shots.

According to a more recent study of over 400 adults, it has been found that Moderna’s vaccine acquired the most robust antibody post booster shot. This was followed by Pfizer’s, which was insignificantly lower, and by Johnson & Johnson, who took third place.

Because of the big number of antibodies that Moderna’s booster gives, some experts suggest that this shot is better for older adults. That is because they represent a more vulnerable and sensitive category, and are more exposed to severe outcomes.

Side effects

Because Moderna’s booster is the most powerful of them all, it is also the most intense one, so no wonder it has the most aggressive side effects. It has been found that Moderna’s vaccine is more reactogenic than Pfizer’s, and people who switch to Moderna for their booster shot may observe that their side effects are a little more severe than when they got their second shot.

The most common complaint that people have after either booster shot is pain at the injection site and around it. In addition to that, they also have experienced headaches, muscles aches, and fatigue.

People that don’t switch brands, and stick to their original ones, won’t feel severe side effects. For them, it will be like getting a second shot again, whether it’s Moderna or Pfizer.

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People who got their booster shots in Moderna’s clinical trial keep complaining about armpit swelling or tenderness. Pfizer trial recipients stated that they have experienced some sort of swelling (lymphadenopathy) after their shots.

On the other hand, people who have chosen Johnson & Johnson’s shot and stuck with it for their booster shot reported similar, but slightly milder side effects compared to their first one.

However, regarding how mild or severe these side effects can get, they don’t usually last more than a day or two after vaccination.


Although it is more common to stick with the same brand for the booster shot, if you are thinking about mixing and matching the vaccines, but you are not sure, it is always better to consult with your doctor!

What do you think about the booster shot? Have you experienced any side effects after vaccination? Share your thoughts with us, by leaving them in the comments section down below!


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