Categories: Technology

7 Hidden iPhone Features That Will Blow Your Mind

Photo by Kicking Studio from

7. You can add captions to your photos and videos

If you are among the people who like to take a lot of photos and videos on their phones, you know that sometimes it feels impossible to find a certain picture or video you are looking for.

Say no more, because the iPhone team’s got you covered!

Before you can use this feature, you need to upgrade your operating system to the newest version. Now that this is all done, you can add keywords and even full captions to any photos or videos you take with your smartphone.

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You only need to swipe up on a video or picture to add the text you want and your phone will automatically save it to your iCloud Photos. This will make it extremely easy for you to find what you’re looking for later.

You only have to open your iPhone’s Search window, type the keyword or the caption you want and your image or video will immediately appear.

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  • I think that's really neat that you published those tips. I knew I had some of them but didn't really know how to use them. Thanks so much for sharing that info. Makes it so much nicer to have an iPhone.

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