Categories: Life

The United States Will Get Back to Normality By This Date, Experts Say

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Lower vaccination rates among American adults are also considered dangerous by Michael Osterholm, PhD, epidemiologist and director of the University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

As the infectious disease experts shared on his Osterholm Update podcast on April 29, new vaccinations continue to drop significantly in the United States, as we’ve seen more American people getting their second vaccine dose, compared to those who get their first dose. According to, Osterholm, these numbers suggest that vaccination rates are going down, which is very concerning.

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Also, Osterholm warned the states that are now seeing lower vaccination rates and higher new case rates to be careful, as this can be a very dangerous situation. If you’re curious to find out which are the states that are in a dangerous situation with COVID-19, continue to read on!

Make sure to also check: You Could Experience These Bizarre Side Effects After COVID Vaccination.

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