Categories: Conspiracy theories

30 Famous Conspiracy Theories From the US

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11. Many people claim that a research center in Alaska is a mind-control or weather manipulation laboratory.

In the Alaska Mountains, you can find a High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, better known as HAARP, initially set up as an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The facility is located on 33 acres of land and has over 180 antennas. The antennas gathered data on the aurora borealis, radio waves, and other atmospheric phenomena.

However, some assume that the antennas are an experimental weapon that can manipulate people’s minds, according to the Smithsonian. Others claim that the Columbia Space Shuttle was destroyed in 2003. Others still, claim that it was designed to manipulate and weaponize extreme weather to covertly attack hostile nations. In mid-August 2015 control of the facility and its equipment was turned over to the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Then in 2016, the facility held an open house so that the people could see that they were not up to something illegal.


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12. The Denver International Airport is well known for its many conspiracy theories.

Denver International Airport is twice the size of Manhattan, New York, and almost every corner of the enormous transport hub is filled with conspiracy theories. For example, the airport had a budget of $2 billion, leading some to believe it has an underground system that is being used as bunkers or as the headquarters of the alleged Illuminati world-control organization.

Some claim that the building was designed by the neo-Nazis since markers and plaques around the airport state it is sponsored by the New World Airport Commission, but no details can be accessed about the organization anywhere. Some also claim that the runways are laid out like a swastika if viewed from above.
Some people are still worried about the art around the airport. Strangely, there is a 32-foot sculpture of a blue Mustang with demonic red eyes out front and is apparently related to the Four

Horsemen of the Apocalypse. A horse that, during its construction, fell on its sculptor and killed him. Some of the murals around the airport are also disturbing, including images of a Nazi officer in a gas mask, children around a burning building, and the devil coming out of a suitcase.

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