Categories: Conspiracy theories

30 Famous Conspiracy Theories From the US

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15. The Georgia Guidestones is a popular monument known for its strange inscriptions, which have contributed to a variety of conspiracy theories.

The monument was built in Elberton, Georgia, in 1980 and is known as the Georgia Guidestones. There are 10 monument guidelines written in eight languages, which appear to be a set of rules for humans. For instance, one inscription reads, “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature,” while another reads, “Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.”

The monument was funded by a man who gave an alias, but nobody knows who built it or why. Some people think that the inscriptions are telling the future, giving us a hint on how to survive after the Apocalypse. Others claim that the satanists or the New World Order (a clandestine, world-controlling group) created a sculpture to promote their agenda.


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16. In 1968, the Kentucky Derby was shrouded in conspiracy theories after the winner was stripped of his title.

In May 1968, Peter Fuller and his horse, Dancer’s Image, won the Kentucky Derby and won the $5,000 prize. Yet three days later, Fuller and Dancer’s Image were stripped of their title when traces of phenylbutazone were found in the bloodstream of the horse. People really believed they cheated. Fuller was confused and categorically denied the results, ultimately bringing the matter to court.

The case shocked the Derby community, leading to a variety of conspiracy theories. Because Fuller was an outspoken supporter of Martin Luther King Jr. and also donated money to his wife, Coretta King, some claim that anti-civil-rights activists sabotaged the horse. According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, some suggest it was an FBI plot organized by J. Edgar Hoover because he did not like King and also wanted to undermine the Civil Rights Movement. However, all of these theories are still unproven.

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