10 Simple Questions We Have No Answer For

9. How does Gravity work?

Photo by Archi_Viz from shutterstock.com

We all know the story according to Isaac Newton was outside, under a tree, when an apple fell from the tree on top of his head. It is thought that this is how he discovered the theory of gravity: you throw something up and it comes back down.

In reality, gravity doesn’t make as much sense as we thought it did. For example, gravity holds the entire Universe together. Just imagine that Terra is somewhere in the Solar System, only held by gravity. Although, this force that makes us “stay grounded” is one of the weakest. For example, think about bringing two magnets near each other. They snap together, right? Well, that force is actually stronger than gravity.

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And that’s not all. Once you get down to the level of molecules, atoms and even smaller particles, gravity just doesn’t work anymore.

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  • In order to HAVE time you need at least two objects that are not like each other in any manner. In the situation where that does exist movement of one relative to the other is time. We have that situation.

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