Categories: Scientific Discovery

9 Major Diseases That Can Be Treated With Stem Cells

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Leukemia is a form of cancer that affects the lymphatic system and the bone marrow. If not treated, leukemia can be deadly, due to its cancerous cells that affect the immune system, causing various ugly symptoms.

Leukemia is also a type of cancer very common in children, but adults can suffer from it, too. But thanks to stem cell treatments, now there’s significant hope. But for this treatment to work, leukemia and the cancerous cells must be killed first with chemotherapy and radiation.

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As soon as the cancerous cells are no longer present in the body, the patient becomes eligible for stem cell treatment and receives stem cells meant to repopulate the body by creating normal blood cells.

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However, stem cell treatment is often available only for patients that have relapsed, meaning that cancer went into remission after standard treatments, but came back after a few months or even years in some cases.

Nevertheless, the stem cell treatment for leukemia also holds a great deal of promise, considering the fact that the survival rate at 5 years among first remission patients is 30-50 percent.

Additionally, if the patient hasn’t experienced a relapse in the first two years after the stem cell treatment, chances are they’re going to survive for many, many years, which is definitely great news.

Read also: Scientists Believe That They May Have Discovered a Skinny Gene.

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