Categories: Technology

Alexa and 20 Other Things That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago


The Malaria vaccine

Malaria is known to be one of the most deadlier diseases in the world, and it wasn’t until 2015 that preventive medicine became available for mass use. Therefore, five years ago the vaccine appeared, and it proved to be very efficient in reducing Malaria in young children.



One great part about technology is that it allows you to attend and enroll in seminars and lectures from the comfort of your home, with simple access to the internet. Additionally, for those who are willing to do a little self-teaching, the internet comes to your rescue.

MOOC or otherwise known as Massive Open Online Course appeared in 2012 in companies like Coursera and helped everyone who learns new things with just an internet connection.


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Online dating apps

Meeting people online was not very common ten years ago, but the idea of online dating was normalized by the apparition of apps like Tinder and Bumble. These apps help you meet and interact with new people, and many users find it very useful, considering that our lives became more busy and hectic in the last decade.

Many couples gladly admit they met online but that’s proof that you can still create a real connection even if you’ve approached someone on Tinder. who knows, it might be the person you marry later on.


Simplified health insurance

As Americans, we were all used to complex and complicated health insurance, but several new companies wanted to change that. Oscar, a company founded in 2013 wants to make the American healthcare market much simpler than it is and more comfortable for consumers tired of dealing with complex jargon for expensive plans.

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