Categories: Human Body

COVID-19 Complications That Might Stay With You Forever

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Cardiovascular complications.

Cardiovascular complications can be easily triggered by respiratory infections just like COVID-19. That’s why many COVID-19 infected patients have reported suffering cardiovascular events, including heart failure, heart attack, and myocarditis after being infected with the virus, as Mariell Jessup, MD, chief science and medical officer of the American Heart Association has explained.

Unfortunately, these cardiovascular complications could appear in patients who are at risk for heart disease but also in those who are not. In fact, the inflammation caused by the virus could affect the heart, causing permanent damage in most severe cases.

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View Comments

  • What is never mentioned is what the covid-19 vaccine shots can trigger- a host of problems like chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • The Moderna second shot triggered RA for me. Severe pain, stiffness and lack of strength in shoulders as a result. Never had any symptoms prior to vaccination. It's been 3.5 months and still no relief unless I use steroids daily (which I won't do).

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