Categories: Human Body

COVID-19 Complications That Might Stay With You Forever

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“I fear that some people who have had these effects, who are already three or four months out, may not be on a path to get better in a few more months, and this could be something that becomes a chronic illness,” Collins said on NBC News.

If contracting COVID-19 wasn’t bad enough, now some people might be forced to experience these virus symptoms forever, and I’m sure it’s not a very pretty experience. Until now, most infected patients just wanted to get well and survive the infection, but now that appears to not be enough for some people.

This is very cruel, Collins added. Additionally, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) director said that we didn’t see this coming and it’s definitely another heartbreak regarding COVID-19.

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Read also: This Could Cause An “Unexpected Surge,” Dr. Fauci Explained.

What does The National Institutes of Health have to say?…..

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View Comments

  • What is never mentioned is what the covid-19 vaccine shots can trigger- a host of problems like chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • The Moderna second shot triggered RA for me. Severe pain, stiffness and lack of strength in shoulders as a result. Never had any symptoms prior to vaccination. It's been 3.5 months and still no relief unless I use steroids daily (which I won't do).

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