Categories: Life

COVID is Expected to Disappear By This Date, According to FDA Officials

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We really have a say in how the new variants will affect our country, Fauci added.

According to Fauci, how we will continue to handle the COVID-19 situation in our country depends on a lot of things, but mainly on our actions. It’s very important that we keep following public health measures, including mask-wearing, social distancing, avoiding crowded places, limiting travel, and proper hand-washing.

Anthony Fauci has talked about the importance of following these public health measures since the beginning of the pandemic, and he urges people to continue to do so even after getting vaccinated. He’s afraid that people will assume they don’t have to follow these measures once they’ve been immunized.

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  • When do I think this pandemic is going to end?? Not for a very long time, I'm afraid. All kinds of people are dying from this strange and hardly perceptible disease with every new day that's upon us. Admittedly, we haven't seen anything like this since those strange plagues which swamped Europe way back in the 13th century. It's almost as though the entire world was coming to the end. I have to be glad myself that I'm allowed to live another day.

    • Seriously? You should check your history.

      The 1918 pandemic killed more Americans than every war in the 20th century COMBINED!! So you don't need to go all the way back to the 13th century, only 100 years.

      btw, pandemics (occur on average every 70 years, so this one was overdue...

      • Well, excuse me for being a bit amiss where history is concerned; I STILL believe we haven't had anything on such a scale as THIS in thousands of years . . . Admittedly, I know very little about that 1918 pandemic. But you'd think what with all the modern technology we have today and these new things we have in the medical world, we'd be far better able to ward off something that's killing us in massive numbers and such.

      • I concur, this is so remarkably true!
        People just do not understand..
        Thanks Dan,


    • Modern travel eliminates the limitations past pandemics had. Fear of vaccinayions limit inoculating populations. So this will become a new type of flu after weakest in heard die off.

      • You're right with both things you've said, modern travel and fear of vaccinations. It's very very difficult as people are rebelling more and more against continually wearing masks and social distancing. What's even more discouraging is we've been rolling out this new vaccine at the 'blink of an eye' and people are STILL dying or at least getting very sick--- I even believe some people get vaccinated and still die.

        • i agree wholeheartedly...the vaccines were rolled too quickly...we're all test subjects

  • This virus was designed by man and will likely be with us forever. All mammals catch it so it will thrive in rat and mouse populations around the world. Can not vaccinate everything.

    • What else is coming from ugly china's communist. It is getting worse under uncle Joel Bidden, he is Xi's puppy. An American will be finish unless we fight for our country.Also, we must boycott made in china or prc is same sit. I wish we should drop bomb on their head and make them pay for china's corona virus.

      • I agree with you 100 %. I am a nurse and saw over 100 people die from this virus, and my heart cries every day. These people were loving people who had family members who could not even hold their hands while they were dying. The only ones to be with them were the staff at the hospital to hold their hands. I am still crying as I write this reply. China is a terrible nation, not the people because I am sure they suffer daily. We need to stand together and get rid of goods from China and their technology.

        • I totally agree Biden wants China in bed
          so let’s show him that we are not playing send him over there on a one way plane

        • Yes I concur stop the trades with China! Keep it in our country. Give Americans jobs so we can be self-sustaining!

    • LOL so now you think Democrats gave you coronavirus you sound fucking retarded man why don’t you go back to school Tom if that’s even your real fucking name or if you’d like why don’t you go fuck Donald Trump I’m sure that’ll make you feel better or let him fuck you in the ass which ever comes first whatever floats your boat man

      • Jose, I am sorry your mother or someone didn't raise you with any sense of decency. You are charming ! NOT!!

      • Your extremely limited vocabulary tells everyone you are illiterate. Go get an education before you criticize anyone.

  • I am really surprised that the Pandemic did not end right after these Democrats took the White House because we all know that this was all an Anti-Trump Skeam to make President Trump lose his Presidency.

    • I tend to agree in part with Tim. I realize that many have died this year yet the facts show that the numbers are way off. 2020 will go down as the year no one died of natural cause, the flu, pneumonia. It is amazing how COVID was the only thing out there. Except for those who killed them selves due to mental health issues and we made them stay home alone to deal because we shut the world down.

  • Sound ludicrous to believe something alive like this pandemic virus comes with a bonafide end date. What a tidy little package! Just ignore it, it will suddenly disappear! *poof* its gone!

  • We have to stop living in fear! Every day you live like that its a wasted day! China has taken so much from us , don,t give them another minute! SMILE & LIVE!!!

  • I believe that the dems want us to live in fear and be totally dependant on the government, they are in bed with china on this coronavirus, anybody with ANY common sense can easily see this was what they had to do to get TRUMP out, his entire time in office he had to defend himself, people who support biden should watch their pocketbook cause they are coming for your trust fund, America, this is shamful and we will all suffer

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