Categories: Life

The COVID Vaccine Could Prevent Transmission

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Moreover, patients with lower viral loads have one in eight chance of infecting other people, while those with higher viral loads have a one in four chance of passing the virus to others. The vaccine might be the greatest option for keeping yourself and others safe from potential infection with COVID.

Read also: Major Update Made By Pfizer’s CEO Regarding The Vaccine Rollout.

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The study’s findings also indicated “that the viral load, rather than symptoms, might be the predominant driver of transmission.”

Some People Might Be Forced To Get Vaccinated, According To Experts. CLICK HERE for more info about this topic!

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  • If this is such a deadly disease, then the vaccine should be made more available for people to get. Furthermore, people are still dying when they get the vaccine!!!!

  • What with all the fake news and conspiracy freaks it is difficult to believe ANYTHING without VALID proof. My grand daughter has taken supposedly a complete series of inoculations against the virus. In each instance she became ill from the shots BUT I remember taking the shots developed for different diseases when I was a youngster and they all seemed to do the job even though the typhoid fever shot made me wish I could get better to die. As you can see, I recovered just as my grand daughter did from the shots she took. I intend to try to find out which ones they were so if and when I take shots, I can demand those. Have a good day.

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