Categories: LifeTechnology

The Most Advanced Hospitals in the United States

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UCLA Medical Center

UCLA Medical Center is associated with one of the most prestigious universities in America, and it is one of the most advanced and modern hospitals in the country. Located in one of the most populated regions in the United States, UCLA Medical Center is especially well-known for the care it provides for children.

The medical center concentrates on child psychiatry and treating several disorders found among children, making UCLA one of the best centers in the United States for treating the most vulnerable and in need patients. Hundreds of parents are showing their gratitude towards the center every year for helping their beloved children live a more qualitative life.

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Massachusetts General Hospital

Massachusetts General Hospital based in Boston is the third oldest hospital in the United States. Massachusetts General Hospital functions at Harvard Medical School, and it is one of the oldest teaching schools present in this respectable University, with almost all the doctors as part of their faculty. Massachusetts General Hospital is known to have the largest research program among hospitals in the United States, investing more than $900 million in research every year.

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New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell

Known for training some of the best doctors and nurses in America, New York-Presbyterian is also famous for offering the toughest and hardest cases for its residents and doctors. The most difficult cases in the whole world can be found at New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell.

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