Categories: Life

These 2 Places Must Close Right Now, Fauci Says

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wouldn’t recommend traveling right now, even though we’ve entered the holiday season and many people plan to travel to visit their loved ones. Even though it isn’t recommended, millions of people seem to ignore CDC’s advice and still hit the road and even travel by plane this time of the year. Are We Immune After Recovering from COVID-19?

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According to the CDC, traveling “increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19,” mentioning that staying in hotels is now considered a high-risk activity. Here’s What You Need to Know About Coronavirus Mutations.

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  • Don’t waste your time listening to Fauci. He is an Epidemiologist. That is the only medical specialty that desperately NEEDS disease.

    • Yes let’s not listen to experts, instead let’s listen to you right? Because you know what? Where did you get your medical Degree?

      • Above and beyond anything else human beings are social animals. I think we all go bad in isolation. People did heed the first round of advisories and forced closings. With the start of the cold season in the northern hemisphere they started inviting their relatives and/or friends over to their houses and the number of people contracting the virus grew. Closing restaurants and bars makes no difference compared to the harm isolation brings.
        The actual mortality rate for covid 19 is .02 percent. The other side is that 99.92 percent of people recover just fine.

        • You’re an idiot!
          Especially for older adults, the threat from COVID-19 may be even greater, for 3 reasons. First, the Table presents the aggregate 8-month mortality rate for COVID-19, not the current mortality rate, which has been increasing rapidly. Between November 1, 2020, and December 13, 2020, the 7-day moving average for daily COVID-19 deaths tripled, from 826 to 2430 deaths per day, and if this trend is unabated will soon surpass the daily rate observed at the height of the spring surge (2856 deaths per day on April 21, 2020).6 As occurred in the spring, COVID-19 has become the leading cause of death in the United States (daily mortality rates for heart disease and cancer, which for decades have been the 2 leading causes of death, are approximately 1700 and 1600 deaths per day, respectively4). With COVID-19 mortality rates now exceeding these thresholds, this infectious disease has become deadlier than heart disease and cancer, and its lethality may increase further as transmission increases with holiday travel and gatherings and with the intensified indoor exposure that winter brings.

          Second, the reported number of COVID-19 deaths underestimates the excess deaths produced by the pandemic. Due to reporting delays and miscoding of COVID-19 deaths and an increase in non–COVID-19 deaths caused by disruptions produced by the pandemic, excess deaths are estimated to be 50% higher than publicly reported COVID-19 death counts.7 Third, COVID-19 is unlike other causes of death in the Table because it is communicable; individuals who die from homicide or cancer do not transmit the risk of morbidity or mortality to those nearby. Every COVID-19 death signals the possibility of more deaths among close contacts.

          The failure of the public and its leaders to take adequate steps to prevent viral transmission has made the nation more vulnerable, allowing COVID-19 to become the leading cause of death in the United States,

  • A year ago, I would have been interested in Dr Fauci's statements. He has betrayed the trust of the American people by his own admission. I am an engineer / scientist that worked at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab in the late 1970s. I think I can handle the science like lot of other Americans.

  • I listen to the pros who' ve studied disease control and not to the " you don't tell me what to do " crowd. Stay safe.

  • Merely wanna comment on few general things, The website pattern is perfect, the content material is real wonderful : D. Jacqueline Aldwin Gerlac

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