Why Do We Want to Believe in Extraterrestrial Life?

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Are we alone?

Scientists have been working for decades to find an answer to this question that has popped at least once in everyone’s mind. As previously mentioned, there are 4,000 planets discovered outside our Solar System, and that number doubles every two years. Some of those planets are believed to be habitable, since they have a similar mass to Earth and an appropriate distance from their stars, in order to have water on the surface.

There’s still so much we don’t know about the universe. Even the planet that’s closest to Earth is still 20 light-years away, far away in space. If we were to extrapolate these findings, there could be about 300 million habitable worlds in our galaxy. Yes, you’ve heard right!

Scientists and astronomers are very confident that there’s extraterrestrial life beyond our planet. According to Geoff Marcy, astronomer and ace exoplanet-hunter, “The universe is apparently bulging at the seams with the ingredients of biology.”

Even though our search for intelligent life outside Earth has been unsuccessful until now, the absence of evidence doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And even if they do exist, there might be a lot of reasons for why they remained hidden, but this topic will be discussed another time!

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