Categories: Life

10 Etiquette Rules You Have to Consider Whenever Wearing a Face Mask


Don’t argue with someone about wearing a mask when it’s mandatory

“If you are in a place that has a rule mandating masks be worn, then you should follow suit or choose another place to go,” says Meier. “If it is not mandatory and someone asks you to put on a mask, you can instead politely agree to have a certain amount of space in between the two of you so both people feel comfortable.”

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  • the extra masks in your purse should be put in a zip lock bag to be sure they stay clean until used. Thank You

  • Since most of your exhaled breath flows AROUND all but medical-grade tightly fitted masks, they do NOTHING to protect others. Use a little logic and reason, please. It's all for show, folks. Just silly virtue-signaling, meant to keep the peons fearful enough to crash the economy and encourage the mail-in voting, which is easier to rig.

  • Thanks for finally talking about > 10 Etiquette Rules You Have to Consider Whenever Wearing a Face Mask - Page 6 of 10 - ScienceToday < Liked it!

  • I have never worn a 'mask'. I have a thin scarf I wear when required for entrance to places I go. The masks do nothing but perpetrate fear.

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