Categories: Life

10 Etiquette Rules You Have to Consider Whenever Wearing a Face Mask


Keep your face masks clean and in good shape

You should wash your face mask after every use and you need to make sure that it stays in good shape and it’s not damaged, because otherwise it won’t do its job.

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The CDC suggests that you can wash your face masks by hand or along with laundry. After washing, place it in direct sunlight so it can dry properly or you can use a dryer.

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  • the extra masks in your purse should be put in a zip lock bag to be sure they stay clean until used. Thank You

  • Since most of your exhaled breath flows AROUND all but medical-grade tightly fitted masks, they do NOTHING to protect others. Use a little logic and reason, please. It's all for show, folks. Just silly virtue-signaling, meant to keep the peons fearful enough to crash the economy and encourage the mail-in voting, which is easier to rig.

  • Thanks for finally talking about > 10 Etiquette Rules You Have to Consider Whenever Wearing a Face Mask - Page 6 of 10 - ScienceToday < Liked it!

  • I have never worn a 'mask'. I have a thin scarf I wear when required for entrance to places I go. The masks do nothing but perpetrate fear.

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