Categories: Life

10 Of America’s Most Legendary Minds

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Larry Page

Larry Page was born on March 26, 1973, in Lansing, Michigan, United States. He’s an American business magnate, computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur, and the co-founder of Google, which we all use on a daily basis.

Larry Page and his partner, Sergey Brin, have been the two great minds that created the popular search engine together. Both Page and Brin have graduated the Standford University when they felt like the Internet is not optimized as well as it should, so they wanted to find a way to make it better and easier to use.

They wanted to find a method of counting and qualifying backlinks, in order to make the navigation easier and avoiding huge graphs of links. They first created PageRank, an algorithm that used backlinks in order to rank websites based on their importance.

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When Google was created in 1996, it used PageRank as its driver for the search engine, making it way better than all the existing engines. The two brilliant minds created Google, Inc. in 1998, which helped them to achieve the multi-millionaire status very fast.

From 1998 until the present moment, thanks to the PageRank algorithm, Google is a powerhouse of knowledge used all over the world.

Read also: Was The Moon Landing FAKE? 5 Debatable Theories America Still Believes.

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