Nocturnal gracilidris ants have been considered extinct more than 15 million years ago. However, we had a very pleasant surprise in 2006 when we discovered that they’re not actually extinct.
The nocturnal gracilidris ants have been spotted in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina, and it’s amazing how this species managed to survive through natural disasters and ace ages. They also lived along with animals such as Sabre Tooth Tigers and Woolly Mammoths, and they’re the only ones that managed to survive.
Scientists thought this creature went extinct more than 15 MILLION years ago, but no! As recently as 2006, these ants have been found in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. That’s exciting because they are one of the few species of creatures that have actually survived multiple ice ages and natural disasters, and lived alongside animals like Woolly Mammoths and Sabre Tooth Tigers.
Since these ants are nocturnal and usually live in colonies deep underground, they’ve remained unseen for many millions of years. According to, “Even the most committed scientists and researchers missed out on spotting it at the right time and place.”
Make sure to also check: Scientists Discover ‘Missing Piece’ of Ancient Sea Rise Mystery.
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