Categories: DiscoveryEnvironment

12 Species Thought Extinct But Actually Aren’t

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Kashmir Musk Deer

The Kashmir Musk Deer has been believed to be extinct for more than half a century. The scientists have declared the Khasmir Mush Deer extinct back in 1948 until a sighting was reported in 2009.

The Kashmir Musk Deer can be found in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Western Nepal. However, musk deers are considered endangered nowadays, due to hunting and habitat loss. The Kashmir Musk Deer is hunted for its musk glands that can be used as perfumes.

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These glands are considered to be aphrodisiacs, and they cost more than $45,000/kg on the black market.

Make sure to also check: 20 Images That Show The Beauty of Our Natural World — And What’s At Stake.

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