Categories: DiscoveryEnvironment

12 Species Thought Extinct But Actually Aren’t

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New Guinea Big-Eared Bat

The big-eared bat was considered extinct for 120 years, from 1890 until 2010, when a scientist caught one in a bat trap. However, we don’t have much information about the New Guinea big-eared bat since this species doesn’t like to be seen and prefers to stay hidden.

Additionally, the big-eared bat is now endangered due to habitat loss, but many scientists are working on keeping the species alive for as long as possible.

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Night Parrot

The night parrot is native to Australia and is considered the most mysterious bird in the world and the holy grail for birdwatchers. The night parrot lives are nocturnal birds and usually live in very hidden areas, which make them very difficult to find, that’s exactly why they were considered extinct in 1845.

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However, more than a century later, in 1979, the night parrot has been spotted again a few times by different people. Birdwatchers over the world have been looking for these birds for decades.

Make sure to also check: What Can We Learn From the Most Eco-Friendly Countries.

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