Categories: Human Body

13 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Human Body

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How much does the brain weigh?

Well, an adult brain weighs 3 pounds on average (1.5 kg). The brain is usually just 2 percent of the body’s weight, however, it’s very interesting how it uses more than 20 percent f its energy. Amazing, right?

The 5 Strange Steps of Human Evolution. CLICK HERE to read more!


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How many times do our hearts beat per day?

Well, a healthy heart beast at least once every second, and 60-100 times a minute, which leads to about 100,000 times a day, as data from the American Heart Association has shown. Therefore, your heart sends about 2,000 gallons of blood through your body.

However, heart rate tends to get slower with age and also drops a little bit while you sleep, because your metabolism slows down as well.

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