Categories: Human Body

Body Parts Humans Will No Longer Have One Day


Neck rib

Scientists believe this set of ribs is a remnant feature from the age of reptiles. One to three percent of people all over the world still has it, either on their left or right side, or on both sides, often causing nerve and artery issues.

This set of ribs is sometimes incomplete or extremely thin, but they can still put pressure on the blood vessels and nerves around the neck, often causing nerve and artery issues and shoulder and neck pain. The good news is that people will no longer have to deal with these cervical ribs for too long as scientists say they disappear sooner than we think.

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View Comments

  • Humans will still have all that Adam and Eve had after God created them. I am grateful that I can believe all my grandchildren will be as complete and whole as was theirs.

    • Thank you - Finally, an intelligent response! I read this out of fun when it dropped into my email - but seriously??? People believe this stuff?!? If they actually looked at science correctly, they’d realize evolution is insupportable and not a theory at all - just really badscience

  • Lmao evolution is science fiction, Philosophy based on guessing. Speculation. Theology is based on fact, God created everything period. If people would just read the Bible until they really understand everything that is told in it, they would know truth.

    • The good news is that God is so smart that God created evolution as our beautiful world continues to be created and refined. Thank you God for your wisdom in creation, and that you are so omnipotent that flexibility is part of who You are.

    • Men's "wisdom" is just foolishness to God! One day "the God and creator" of our universe and humanity will become self-evident either before this world has passed away or when we each draw our final breath!

  • This is nonsense, scientists will decide this bs. God create human being. And there are reason why God created human body parts for their functionality. . Unless is something is matter of dead and its necessary to remove some part of the body , I can see that.

  • If you believe that we all come from (Adam and Eve), then you must except incest as the only true way of life. Because the only mates, would be your brother or sister.

  • Science is speculation, guessing, but Theology is based on facts, the Bible is truth?!?😂🤣😂 Science is the ONLY participant in proven facts, Theology ISN'T based on facts, and the best yet... the Bible is truth. Robert Boughner, anyone else denying Evolution, have been brainwashed by organized "religion" and fairy-tales passed through time. Noah loaded all the animals in an arc to save them ha... all the species of arachnids wouldn't have fit in that arc by themselves.

  • The article forgot one thing--the cleft in the chin. A perfect example of why some have it and others don't or show the cleft. It stems from the earliest form of our being. Insects as grasshoppers have a double opening to eat. We started out with this same opening and over millions of years it closed up. On some people it is very pronounced and on others it is not seen.

    People forget about other forms of life such as a pollywog (tadpole) that loses its tail and changes into a frog. The butterfly also comes to mind out it becomes what it is. I think people don't think deeply enough. There is too much proof that evolution is part of life.

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