Categories: Life

Do Not Worry About This When Getting Vaccinated, Fauci Says

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The more people get vaccinated, the fewer COVID variants we’ll have to deal with.

As previously mentioned, getting immunized doesn’t just protect yourself from the virus, but also contributes to control the outbreak altogether. Additionally, getting vaccinated will also help when it comes to the spread of the more transmissible variants.

As Fauci has said during an interview with CNN that took place on February 1, people need to get vaccinated as soon as they’re eligible, ideally as quickly as possible.

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“The reason for that is that there is a fact that permeates virology, and that is that viruses cannot mutate if they don’t replicate, and if you stop their replication by vaccinating widely and not giving the virus an open playing field to continue to respond to the pressures that you put on it you will not get mutations,” he continued saying.

Make sure to also check: The Newest And Most Terrifying COVID Symptom, According to Doctors.

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  • LMFAO! Fraudster Fauci and MSDNC! What a Clown Show! You would be much better off getting your Important Facts from The Onion or maybe that Supermarket Tabloid magazine! Fauci has been on BOTH SIDES of every issue regarding COVID-19, which means he KNOWS NOTHING AT ALL! And he's not ashamed to be wrong as long as he remains the MSM "golden boy".

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