Categories: Life

Do Not Worry About This When Getting Vaccinated, Fauci Says

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Anthony Fauci discussed this matter on March 6, in an interview with MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross. There are a lot of people who feel like they should postpone their shot just because they’re young, healthy, and not in a rush. They feel like other people might need the vaccine more, including older individuals and people who are vulnerable in front of the virus. But what should these people do? Should they wait and let others get vaccinated first? Cross asked Fauci.

Even though you shouldn’t jump ahead of those who are vulnerable and need to be prioritized, Fauci also added that “when your particular segment opens up for vaccination, you should definitely get vaccinated, absolutely.”

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In fact, he urged people to get inoculated as soon as they’re eligible. Postponing your vaccine could do more harm than good, he added. After all, the more people get vaccinated, the better.

This Could Cause An “Unexpected Surge,” Dr. Fauci Explained. CLICK HERE to read more about this topic!

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  • LMFAO! Fraudster Fauci and MSDNC! What a Clown Show! You would be much better off getting your Important Facts from The Onion or maybe that Supermarket Tabloid magazine! Fauci has been on BOTH SIDES of every issue regarding COVID-19, which means he KNOWS NOTHING AT ALL! And he's not ashamed to be wrong as long as he remains the MSM "golden boy".

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