Categories: Life

Do Not Worry About This When Getting Vaccinated, Fauci Says

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Fully vaccinated individuals can also visit unvaccinated people that are low-risk.

Great news continue to appear for people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. CDC’s new guidelines appear to be very flexible, in fact, way more flexible than some health experts wished or expected.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fully vaccinated people are now able to visit low-risk unvaccinated individuals as well, as long as they don’t represent a high risk for infection.

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  • LMFAO! Fraudster Fauci and MSDNC! What a Clown Show! You would be much better off getting your Important Facts from The Onion or maybe that Supermarket Tabloid magazine! Fauci has been on BOTH SIDES of every issue regarding COVID-19, which means he KNOWS NOTHING AT ALL! And he's not ashamed to be wrong as long as he remains the MSM "golden boy".

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