Categories: Life

What You Need to Do If You’re Living With Elderly

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You need to be wearing your mask before the first symptoms appear.

If you or somebody in your household already experienced the first symptoms, it might be too late to wear your mask, as the virus probably spread. According to the MIT researchers, the virus is the most infectious between 24 and 48 hours after the first symptoms appear. Therefore, even though you’re all fine, and no one has any symptoms at all, wearing a mask inside will keep you and your family safe. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Coronavirus Antibody Treatments Might Prevent COVID-19. Find out more HERE.


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You need to regularly disinfect your home.

The BMJ study has also proved that disinfecting your home on a regular basis with ethanol or other chlorine-based solutions can reduce the risk of infection and transmission by 77 percent. Therefore, if you have an elderly family member in your household whom you’d want to protect, disinfecting your home daily will reduce the risk of infection.

Make sure to also read: What You Need To Consider While Doing Your Grocery Shopping.

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