Categories: Life

What You Need to Do If You’re Living With Elderly

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People get so tired of all the restrictions that must be followed outside, that it might be tempting to associate your home with a safe haven, where you can let your guard down because it’s risk-free. However, according to some studies, if you’re not careful enough when you’re at home, it could lead to a potential virus spread within your household, which can be very dangerous if you’re living with the elderly or other vulnerable family members.

If you want to avoid a disaster from happening, experts recommend wearing a mask a home, too. I know that this is probably the last thing you’d want, especially after wearing your mask all day at work when going shopping and even outside in certain areas, but you need to prioritize the health of the family members you living with, especially if they’re over the age of 60.

All of us want to protect our loved ones, but we forget that we need to pay attention to how we act inside our homes a well, says Deborah Birx, MD, Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

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As Birx mentioned in an interview with CNN, “If you’re in multi-generational households and there’s an outbreak in your rural area or in your city, you need to really consider wearing a mask at home.”

Make sure to also check: This Is When You MUST Lock Down, According to Fauci.

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