Categories: Life

Why Is Gum Chewy? (And 12 Other Everyday Things Explained)

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Did you know that calorie counts are calculated by incinerating food?

According to Woodford, “Calorie values on nutritional labels estimate the energy contained in the food within the package.” Scientists use a calorimeter to determine how much energy a certain food has.

There is a type of calorimeter that burns up the food within a device surrounded by water. This method helps scientists determine how much energy a certain food has by measuring how much the temperature of water changed in the process.


You could set a house on fire with a power drill.

At least, in theory, this is possible. And that’s because electric drills generate heat due to friction, leaving the drill bit, the motor, and the wall to get hot. In order to heat one kilogram of wood at just 1°C you need about 2000 joules of energy. The usual power drill uses about 740 watts of electricity and 750 joules of energy, therefore, Woodford stated in his book that a power drill could set a wooden wall on fire in just four minutes in a 68°F room.

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Office buildings are taller at night.

Did you know that tall office buildings are ever-so-slightly taller at night after all the employees go home? That happens because a 1300-foot-tall skyscraper usually has more than 50,000 employees which makes it shrink about 1.5 millimeters under their weight.

CLICK HERE to discover the 18 Science Facts You Probably Never Learned in School.

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