Categories: Life

Why Is Gum Chewy? (And 12 Other Everyday Things Explained)

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Did you know that a lego brick can support up to 770 pounds of force?

That’s quite amazing, but according to Woodford’s book, a LEGO can support four times the weight of a human being without collapsing. A LEGO brick is stronger than it appears, it can support a tower of 375,000 bricks, or around 2.2 miles high. Isn’t it incredible?


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Why does glass break so easily?

“Unlike other solid materials, like metals, glass is made up of amorphous, loosely packed atoms arranged randomly,” Woodford notes. These atoms can’t absorb energy from something like a bullet. They also can’t rearrange themselves in order to retain the structure of the glass. Therefore, it collapses and shatters in million pieces.

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