Categories: DiscoveryTechnology

10 Remarkable Inventions that Changed the World

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1. Internet

The internet was definitely one of the most outstanding inventions that changed our lives for the better. The internet is now an important tool in almost every domain that you could think of, such as communication, business, economics, art, and so on.

It allows you to talk to people all over the world, to see them in real-time, to connect with strangers, and find out the latest news. The Internet is the primary source of information these days, where you can find everything you want. Even if you use it as an entertainment source (to chat with friends, watch movies, listen to music, spend time on social media platforms) or to learn new things (reading, online courses) the impact brought by the internet in our world is something that can’t be denied.


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2. Telephone

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, even though there’s a lot of controversy around this specific invention, as it was indeed designed by Graham but he wasn’t the one that came up with the idea. According to some data, the first telephone was invented in 1849 by an Italian immigrant named Antonio Meucci.

Nowadays, it’s hard to even imagine a life where we don’t have telephones. Back in the day, having a telephone was a luxury, and not many people could afford it. IT was very useful in every household as it made communication much easier.

Over time, this invention continued to develop, it became even more efficient and much more affordable for a lot of people in the modern world. In this day and age, we are lucky enough to own smartphones that we can carry around with us wherever we go, phones that allow us to access the internet, that measure our heart rate, and many other features that make our everyday life so much easier.

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  • I was an engineer on the shuttle and space station, etc. I find your articles fascinating. I am now retired. Thank you.

  • With the exception of the wheel, whose inventor is unknown, all the inventions mentioned were created by white people.

  • Black inventors, social and tech advancements:
    Madam Walker--Lonnie Johnson, Garrett Morgan, Patricia Bath, Percy Julian
    and of course George Washington Carver ! There are more black folks that
    contributed to the advancement of our civilization !

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