Categories: DiscoveryTechnology

10 Remarkable Inventions that Changed the World

© Shutterstock

7. Antibiotics

Another remarkable discovery that had a huge impact on the world of medicine was the discovery of antibiotics. Penicillin was the first effective treatment for infections of all kinds. pneumonia.

It was discovered accidentally in 1920 by Alexander Fleming and it spread rapidly across the world, becoming one of the most revolutionary discoveries, as it saved millions of lives throughout the years.


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8. Wheel

The wheel-such a basic invention that our generation takes for granted, but the truth is you can’t imagine a world without it. It was one of the inventions that impacted our world the most. This invention paved the way to other innovations throughout the years, and while it’s impossible to know who invented it, as it dates a long time back, our lives wouldn’t be the same without it.

According to research, the oldest wheel ever discovered was invented 5 thousand years ago and its purpose was to make transportation faster and more efficient. Even today, many innovations and technologies could not function without the common “wheel.”

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  • I was an engineer on the shuttle and space station, etc. I find your articles fascinating. I am now retired. Thank you.

  • With the exception of the wheel, whose inventor is unknown, all the inventions mentioned were created by white people.

  • Black inventors, social and tech advancements:
    Madam Walker--Lonnie Johnson, Garrett Morgan, Patricia Bath, Percy Julian
    and of course George Washington Carver ! There are more black folks that
    contributed to the advancement of our civilization !

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