Categories: DiscoveryTechnology

10 Remarkable Inventions that Changed the World

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9. Compass

You would imagine that no one needs a compass anymore, now that we have new advanced technologies that do the same thing and more. However, there are still a lot of people that are using it nowadays, especially when exploring different areas where you don’t have access to the internet.

The compass was the first navigation system, the primary device for direction-finding on the surface of the Earth and it was first used in the 14th century. One thing is sure, though, the world we live in today wouldn’t be the same without this invention.


10. Printing press

The concept of printing press dates since the 11th century, however, it only came to life in 1430, when the German inventor Johann Gutenberg invented the first movable printing press.
His invention changed our existence and made it a lot easier. The printing press had a huge impact on the whole world, making the material easier to collect and circulate anywhere on this Earth. Also, it made books more accessible to middle-class people around the globe.

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While it’s hard to imagine a world without printed materials, a world where books, magazines, and newspapers don’t exist, nothing would be possible without the invention of the printing press. Back in the day, people wrote everything by hand, by using items like clay and papyrus, wax, and parchment.

The printing press is one of the most important inventions because it helped our society evolve. It allows us to share a lot of information very quickly and in large quantities as well.


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  • I was an engineer on the shuttle and space station, etc. I find your articles fascinating. I am now retired. Thank you.

  • With the exception of the wheel, whose inventor is unknown, all the inventions mentioned were created by white people.

  • Black inventors, social and tech advancements:
    Madam Walker--Lonnie Johnson, Garrett Morgan, Patricia Bath, Percy Julian
    and of course George Washington Carver ! There are more black folks that
    contributed to the advancement of our civilization !

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