Categories: Life

10 Unfortunate Societal Issues That Became More Concerning After COVID-19

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Managers have started having a lot more trust issues.

Managers have always been skeptical about their employees working remotely, as they had a hard time trusting them to also do their jobs from the comfort of their homes. Managers are always curious whether their employees are working as many hours as they should.

However, the coronavirus pandemic came and forced companies all over the world to work from home and adapt to the new restrictions. More than 215 managers and supervisors have been surveyed by the Harvard Business Review (HBR) in 2020 in order to see how they adapted to working remotely with their employees.

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The study’s findings were not so great, as many managers reported disliking the overall experience. According to the results:

  • 38 percent of managers believe employees perform better from the office
  • 40 percent of managers were concerned that they can’t manage to work with employees that are not present in the office
  • 41 percent of managers were concerned that employees won’t stay motivated in the long term when it comes to working from home

Make sure to also check: Everything You Need to Know About Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine.

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