Categories: Life

10 Unfortunate Societal Issues That Became More Concerning After COVID-19

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An increased number of suicidal thoughts and deaths.

Before COVID-19, we used to be happy and free, and we didn’t even know it. After the coronavirus pandemic emerged in the United States, we had to adjust to a new lifestyle. The transition was not at all easy, since we’ve gone from living a normal life, to living in quarantine for a few months at the beginning of 2020.

Unfortunately, the transition also contributed to a lot of serious mental health issues in the past year. Even though the number of overall suicide rates has stayed the same a lot of people have reported increased thoughts of suicide. In fact, a report conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in June 2020 has shown that participants reported an increased number of suicidal thoughts due to COVID-19.

The report has shown that males were more likely to experience suicidal thoughts than females, employed individuals were also more suicidal than unemployed, and the same goes for essential workers compared to nonessential ones. The report has also shown that suicidal rates increased among non-white Americans, compared to white individuals.

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A January 2021 study showed that even though mortality rates have decreased in Connecticut since the pandemic emerged, the percentage of deaths among minority groups increased. Additionally, a different study that gathered data from 21 countries, proved that Japan, Puerto Rico, and Vienna experienced an increase in the number of suicides since COVID-19.

Therefore, even though some sources might indicate that the suicidal rates have not increased in the past year, COVID-19 has still brought a lot of suicidal consequences to our society.

Read also: 3 Common Vitamins Proven to Be Helpful Against COVID-19.

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