Categories: Conspiracy theories

11 Conspiracy Theories That Have Proven to be True

© Wikimedia Commons

The First Lady who secretly ran the United States

President Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke in October 1919, which made him incapable of running the United States. And that’s how Woodrow’s wife, Edith Wilson, started acting as a president, even though she was never elected.

Of course, everything was done in secret, as the US government never informed Americans about what really happened. People have begun to find out about Woodrow’s accident in 1920, and even then, there wasn’t enough accurate information about what really happened.

First Lady Edith Wilson secretly made executive decisions in the country for three years, until Warren Harding took over in 1921. Even though Wilson later claimed that she was just helping her husband, historians believe she was indeed acting as the first female president of the United States.

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Things like this always make you wonder what the US government is willing to do, and how easily it lies to its people even with really important things.

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