Categories: Life

13 Habits That Will Help You Stay Young Forever

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A little glass of alcohol didn’t hurt anyone.

Even though alcohol consumption is not encouraged nor beneficial, especially when we’re talking about large quantities, it’s important to know that when drank in moderation, alcohol can have the opposite effect.

While it’s true that drinking excessively can make you look older, a little glass of qualitative alcohol here and there can actually benefit your skin. A recent study conducted at the University of Texas at Austin analyzed the drinking habits of older people.

The study’s findings have shown that those who consumed alcohol in moderation had a better chance of a longer life than those who drank excessively, or those who did not drink at all.

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Individuals who drank in excess had a mortality risk of 42 percent, while those who never consume alcohol have a mortality risk of 49 percent.

Make sure to also check: The Most Advanced Hospitals in the United States.

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