Categories: Life

14 Ordinary Habits That Will Change Forever After COVID-19

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We might say goodbye to communal foods.

Even though free food is great, we can’t neglect the fact that those bowls of nuts at bars were always suspect, even before the coronavirus pandemic. If you think about it, just imagine how many people use the restroom without washing their hands, and then grab a bite of those snacks with their full-of-germs hands.

So we can all agree that it’s a good thing we might never eat out of communal food containers from now on. Dr. Okeke-Igbokwe also believes we’ll see a lot more people avoiding buffets, even when COVID-19 is gone.

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Instead, people will focus on making their own meals at home, as hygienically as possible.

Read also: 11 Tricky Science Questions People Always Answer Wrong.

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