Categories: Life

14 Ordinary Habits That Will Change Forever After COVID-19

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We’ll pay more attention to hand hygiene.

When the pandemic started in the United States, even before we got to understand how the virus works, back when there was no treatment or vaccine for COVID-19, there were a few things that scientists and health experts considered useful in keeping the virus at bay.

And handwashing was one of them, even though I’m sure you already knew that, as you probably heard it over and over again, just like the rest of us. But even though it sounds very obvious, this simple action could help us prevent a coronavirus infection.

Washing hands for at least 20 seconds has proved to be very efficient, and it is as important as using a hand sanitizer in public places when you’re not able to wash your hands. And the authorities made sure people knew the importance of handwashing, especially because a recent survey published in 2020 has shown that more than 40 percent of Americans do not wash their hands after using the restroom.

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But this habit will likely stay with us even after the coronavirus pandemic is over, as it can help us prevent a lot of other infections, not just COVID-19. Let’s not forget that we should wash our hands all the time, not just when we’re facing a global pandemic.

So I guess it is a good thing, we’ve learned another thing from the pandemic, and that is the importance of frequent handwashing and proper hand hygiene.

Make sure to also check: 13 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Human Body.

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