Categories: Conspiracy theories

This Might Be Why We Haven’t Found Aliens Yet

© Shutterstock

Aliens are already here.

This is definitely what all conspiracy theorists like to hear. Some people believe that extraterrestrials are already here, it’s just that we haven’t figured it out just yet. Maybe it will take a while until they’ll finally unveil themselves, and who knows, maybe they even look just like us and they’re not actually little green men with a big, bald head, as we imagine them to be. How creepy would that be?

Maybe they’ve already unveiled and let themselves known by certain groups, those who really believe in their existence. The truth could be here with us, on Earth. How crazy would that be?

It’s also a chance that we found them already without realizing, just because we expect them to look a certain way. A study conducted by a team of researchers asked 137 participants to look at a few pictures with other planets and try to find alien structures.

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They’ve also hidden a tiny man wearing a gorilla suit in one of the pictures, but only 30 percent of study participants noticed it, as they were focused on finding the idea they created in their head about how aliens should look like.

Astronomers Discover Black Hole Nearest to Earth. CLICK HERE to find out more!

Next, what if those little men aren’t green after all?

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  • Perhaps it's because our sci fi concept of aliens does not exist . Or perhaps they took a look at the human race and said " Nah ! We don't want to be dealing with these idiots "

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