Categories: Conspiracy theories

This Might Be Why We Haven’t Found Aliens Yet

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Maybe we’re looking for the wrong thing.

When it comes to our search for extraterrestrial life, some astronomers believe that we’re looking for the wrong thing. According to astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees, maybe aliens are not organic creatures, but rather they are machines and robots.

It took humanity around 1900 years to invent the radio, 1945 to invent the first computer, and 2000+ years to create a device that will help us make billions of calculations in just a few seconds.

As futurist Seth Shostak has explained, artificial intelligence could be just around the corner, so we need to change the way we search for extraterrestrials. According to Shostak, we should look for machines instead of little green men.

If that’s accurate, we should stop analyzing radio signals and should try looking for solar-harvesting structures and pollution instead. While it’s true that we’ve been looking for aliens all this time without any results, but it’s just a matter of time. If they exist, we will find them.

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As Shostak said at the Dent:Space conference in San Francisco in 2016, any society that was able to invent the radio within a few centuries, also invented their successors, which are machines.

He believes that super-intelligent robots will help us search for aliens in all the right places. Instead of spending a lot of time and energy to find other habitable planets, we should be looking in other places where’s a lot of energy, just like the centers of galaxies, Shostak added.

Read also: High School Student Discovers Planet 6.9 times Larger than Earth on His Third Day of NASA Internship.

Spoiler alert for our next hypothesis…..

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  • Perhaps it's because our sci fi concept of aliens does not exist . Or perhaps they took a look at the human race and said " Nah ! We don't want to be dealing with these idiots "

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