Categories: Conspiracy theories

This Might Be Why We Haven’t Found Aliens Yet

© Shutterstock

Maybe aliens died because of climate change.

Catastrophe usually happens when certain populations consume the resources at a far more rapid pace than the planet can provide, just like it happened here on Earth with climate change. Therefore, it’s not very unlikely that the same thing happened on other planets, as well.

Who known, maybe aliens had the same problems and eventually died because of climate change. As astrophysicist Adam Frank has explained, it’s very likely that things happened this way, as civilizations can rise and fall, based on the planet’s energy resources. Frank used a series of mathematical models to try to understand how alien civilization could fall, by transforming its planet’s resources into energy.

Unfortunately, almost all the scenarios lead to the civilization’s death. The only way to survive would be to use sustainable energy, Frank added. So even if aliens do exist, chances are they’ll die before we reach them.

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  • Perhaps it's because our sci fi concept of aliens does not exist . Or perhaps they took a look at the human race and said " Nah ! We don't want to be dealing with these idiots "

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