Categories: Human Body

Here Are 14 Traits That You Probably Got From Your Parents

Photo by Berit Kessler from

12. Hashimoto’s Disease

In Hashimoto’s illness, the immune system gets shocked and wrongly attacks the thyroid. The thyroid is a tiny gland located in the neck’s lower front. The endocrine system, of which this gland is a part, secretes hormones that regulate a variety of processes that take place in the body.

In most cases, Hashimoto’s disease is inherited from the mother or another close female relative. Hashimoto’s illness and other thyroid disorders are thought to be passed on from mother to kid, so if you’re scared of something like this, is always a good idea to get tested.

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13. Hair

In conformity with different studies, the child’s hair color and type are influenced by recessive and dominant genes. When it comes to hair texture and color, for instance, the kid is more likely to inherit the mother’s dominant gene.

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