Categories: Life

What’s Even Riskier About the New COVID-19 Strain, According to Experts

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We don’t need to take new precautions to be safe from the new COVID-19 strain.

The new variant doesn’t require new precautions, but we need to make sure we’re taking the existing ones very seriously. According to Ashish Jha, “It doesn’t actually change the public health message. In fact, it just makes it that much more urgent that we do it.”

COVID-19 Immunity Can Persist Up to Six Months. Discover more HERE!

Jha also added that the new COVID-19 strain still transmits in the same way as the original one. For instance, we already knew it’s not recommended to gather indoors with a large number of people or not wearing face coverings. This is not brand new information as we’re already dealing with the virus for more than a year.

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“There is no demonstration yet that these strains are biologically different in ways that would require any change in current recommendations meant to limit the spread of COVID-19,” Stuart Ray explained.

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View Comments

  • I feel that we are being led to slaughter with all the hype over this. I for one am not going to be told i have to take this vaccine. It is my right to refuse it. Not enough studies and testing. Come on. It takes longer than this to so the flu shot for the next year.
    Who is behind this? The same people that censor all our posts, and blocks our views if we dont agree with them.
    Thank you for letting me vent

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