Categories: Life

What’s Even Riskier About the New COVID-19 Strain, According to Experts

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Very risky activity right now: indoor gatherings.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, indoor gatherings have been limited to a small number of people, as they were one of the riskiest activities to spread the virus. However, even more so now with the new variant, indoor gatherings are considered more dangerous and experts recommend people to avoid them at all costs.

Ashish Jha, MD, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health mentioned during an interview with NBC that “Indoor gatherings of any kind outside of your family bubble is risky, and the new variant makes it that much more so.”

Coronavirus Antibody Treatments Might Prevent COVID-19. Read more about this topic HERE.

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According to Jha, it’s even more dangerous if people attend indoor gatherings and are not wearing a mask, because that’s when the real trouble starts. Stuart Ray, MD, Vice-Chair of Medicine for Data Integrity and Analytics at Johns Hopkins Medicine, shares the same opinion as Ashish Jha, adding that “We give the virus an advantage to evolve when we congregate in more confined spaces.”

See also: These 2 Places Must Close Right Now, Fauci Says.

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  • I feel that we are being led to slaughter with all the hype over this. I for one am not going to be told i have to take this vaccine. It is my right to refuse it. Not enough studies and testing. Come on. It takes longer than this to so the flu shot for the next year.
    Who is behind this? The same people that censor all our posts, and blocks our views if we dont agree with them.
    Thank you for letting me vent

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